The Tabernacle
Text: John 1:1-15
God created the heaven and the earth in six days but called Moses to Himself and gave him instructions pertaining to the tabernacle for 40days. He gave Moses a clear specification for the Holy God to be able to make a dwelling with the sinful man in the wilderness. The tabernacle was a moveable place of meeting between God and man, all through the journey in the wilderness. After the arrival of the Israelite in the promised land, king David decided the tabernacle should not be in the tent. The temple was built to house the tabernacle. But in the new testament, the one in the tabernacle came as a human being to live among man to reconcile man unto Himself. The Bible says Jesus is the word by whom the earth was made, He made the world and he is the only begotten of God the father John 1:1,10,14). But Jesus said our worship will no longer be in the temple, and he is the one by whom anyone will get to the father. Are you a living tabernacle of God? You are the temple of the Holy Spirit, are you a true temple of the father?