Word of Peace Chapel

Capital City Adventist Christian School,
1220 McKnight Road South, #C, St Paul, MN 55119, USA.

  • We like to extend a very warm welcome, we are glad you are here.

    As a group of God’s people we care about you and your family and we’re here not only to feed you spiritually, but to help in any way we can. We love doing it and it’s why we exist! You are somebody; a very important and unique individual.

    Christ Apostolic Church, a church founded on the truth of the gospel is a place of worship for all that truly desires heaven as home. Word of Peace Chapel came into being according to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is Lord here and everybody is somebody.

    Welcome once again, feel free to worship with us from now on. There is plenty in His presence, let us merry in His presence. God bless you all.

  • Thanks you for taking the time to know about CAC Word of Peace Chapel, a vibrant and ever growing congregation of God’s people. We are one big family of faith as our hearts are knitted together in love. Jesus is the center stone and He is the author and finisher of our faith. We are heirs of the throne, joint heirs with the father. We all learn together, nurtured and grow together in grace. We take the gospel of peace very seriously and we reach out to everyone as we celebrate our Lord daily in His palace.

    We started by faith in His calling, believing that faithful is he who has called who also will do it. God has been faithful to us and He has blessed our congregation immensely. Our members planted and continue to plant the seed of faith though which God is blessing us today. This congregation is part of the glorious call of our founding father, Apostle Joseph Ayodele Babalola ably supported by great men and women of valor who in various capacities were used to water the seed of faith sowed in 1930. It has flourished and has become a worldwide tree under which millions seek refuge in the God of the Apostles.

    As Jesus did when He formed a team by saying “Follow Me” He made room for diverse people of different skills and backgrounds. Even Jesus knew he could not change the world alone. We emulate the same in reaching out to all and sundry. We do not only desire in quenching the physical hunger, but also the spiritual hunger.

    Our vision statement states: “Inspiring people to be who God created them to be. Helping them to find their place, develop their faith and live their potential.” You are not just a number, you are a uniquely gifted individual, and Jesus loves you deeply. We love to have you with us, and jointly we can brink the kingdom of God to the nooks and crannies of our communities and the utmost parts of the earth.

    “…and have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.” Colossians 3:10


    CAC Word of Peace Chapel is one of the many assemblies of Christ Apostolic Church Worldwide with the International Headquarters at Ibadan, Nigeria. The church is an offshoot of the Faith Tabernacle of the early 19s which started in Philadelphia USA and comprised of various prayer groups. The church came into great limelight under the leadership of Apostle Ayodele Babalola through the 1930 revival at Ilesha in Osun State, Nigeria. The church has since grow into millions of membership all over the world. In North America, there are currently 14 DCCs/Zones, headed by 14 Superintendents. There are congregations in several cities and states in the United States and Canada and all come under the umbrella CAC North America. We are part of Western DCC, in North America Latunde Region.

    To learn more about Christ Apostolic Church, check our websites;